Hello! I'm Jack Type,
a music composer and sound designer
specializing in video games.
An illustration of someone working on audio projects, using a computer and audio hardware.


Currently selected project artwork or screen capture
Little Goody Two Shoes
Genre: RPG, Horror, Adventure
Platform: Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Steam
Developer: AstralShift, Square Enix
Role: Sound designer, Audio implementer
Project artwork
Little Goody Two Shoes
Currently selected project artwork or screen capture
The Last Aura
Genre: Action, Adventure
Platform: Steam
Developer: Leyline Games
Role: Soundtrack composer
Project artwork
The Last Aura
Currently selected project artwork or screen capture
Outer Cell
Genre: Puzzle, Sci-fi
Platform: Windows, macOS
Developer: Indie team
Role: Soundtrack composer, Sound designer, Audio implementer
Project artwork
Outer Cell
Currently selected project artwork or screen capture
Thief's Soul
Genre: Survival, Strategy
Platform: Windows
Developer: Indie team
Role: Soundtrack composer, Sound designer, Audio implementer
Project artwork
Thief's Soul
Project Title


Track's artwork
Track's artwork
Track's artwork
Track's artwork
Track's artwork
Track's artwork
Track's artwork
Track's artwork
Track's artwork
Track's artwork
These are independent works, separate from any specific projects.
All music is composed, mixed and mastered by Jack Type.


Sound design reel
Video showcase of my sound design work. (Ambiences, Soundscapes, Sound effects, etc.)
An icon representing a video reel over an audio wave
Sound design video background
Sound design video background
Sound Design Reel

About me

Jack Type/Márcio Araújo
big m character

y name is Márcio Araújo, and I'm a video game music composer and technical sound designer based in Portugal, operating under the alias "Jack Type".
Growing up surrounded by the vibrant atmosphere of a family-owned nightclub and equipped with a formal background in electronics and programming, my natural inclination towards music, sound, and technical pursuits was evident from an early age.

As my passion for audio continued to flourish, I embarked on years of independent learning, delving into various facets of music and audio production, including music theory, composition, and engineering disciplines like recording, mixing and mastering.

Video games played a pivotal role in shaping my interests, and I discovered that the world of game audio perfectly complemented my innate proficiency in both left and right brain thinking. This dual capacity has allowed me to blend artistry with technical expertise to realize the most imaginative ideas.

My journey through music has been diverse, influenced by my nightclub roots and eclectic tastes nurtured by video game soundtracks. Today, my greatest strength lies not in specialization into specific genres but in crafting music that perfectly complements the project at hand, ensuring the right tone, atmosphere, and emotional connection with the audience.

Likewise, sound design is an integral part of my creative process, whether I'm creating music, sound effects, ambiences, or anything in between. With strong audio engineering skills, I can effortlessly translate ideas into rich, impactful sounds, paying meticulous attention to detail and considering factors such as the target environments and their acoustics, as well as game aesthetics.

This combination of skills allows me to proficiently handle a wide range of audio, musical, and implementation tasks, resulting in the development of sound that enhances game experiences, making them more immersive and engaging for players.


  • Music Composition and Production icon
    Music Composition and Production
  • Sound Design icon
    Sound Design
  • Audio Integration icon
    Audio Integration
  • Audio Mixing and Mastering icon
    Audio Mixing and Mastering
  • Audio Repair/Restauration icon
    Audio Repair/Restauration

Tools I use


Let's develop a stellar game together!

You can reach out to me through this form or via email:

letter icon
Track's artwork